Macomb Market Update - January 2020
Vacancy and Rental Rates
Macomb Industrial Space 2.2% Vacant $6.90 per SF Average Rental Rate
Macomb Office Space 6.6% Vacant $17.54 per SF Average Rental Rate
Macomb Retail Space 5.1% Vacant $14.64 per SF Average Rental Rate
For Sale Asking Rate Average
Macomb Industrial Space $59 per SF
Macomb Office Space $102 per SF
Macomb Retail Space $114 per SF
This email is provided as a service to clients, colleagues, and friends of the Pilot Property Group. Let us know if you need any other detailed research or market specific information. And, as always, let us know how we can help with any pending needs or vacancies.
We have more buyers than properties available for both user's and investors in Macomb County. If you have ever wondered the current value of any of your buildings please let me know the address and I will conduct a broker opinion of value and help you get a better idea of the true value in today's market.
Best Regards,
Justin Francek
Senior Associate
Cell: 586-227-9515
Office: 586-254-0900